Year 6 into Year 7

Year 6 into Year 7 - Transition to CCHS 2024

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child to Clacton County High School (CCHS). We look forward to working closely with you over the next few years.

Our Transition Team are currently visiting each of our feeder Primary schools to talk to those Year 6 students who will be joining CCHS in September. They will talk about school and what students should expect. There will also an opportunity to answer any questions that the students may have.

A Year 6 into Year 7 Transition Information Booklet will be distributed on the Year 6 into 7 Induction day on Wednesday 26th June - the booklet will contain all the information that students need to know to help prepare them for starting their secondary education at CCHS in September.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email CCHS and a member of the Transition Team will respond:

Year 6 into Year 7 - Induction

We are looking forward to welcoming our new Year 7 students to CCHS on Wednesday 26th June for their Induction Day. Letters will soon be sent detailing student's form groups and new form teacher along with information about the Induction Day.

The induction day will begin promptly at 9.00am and students can arrive from 8.45am onwards. Students should enter via the Walton Road entrance where school representatives will be available to meet and greet them.

Induction day will finish at 2.45pm. Please make suitable arrangements for your child to get home or alternatively please arrange to meet them at the flagpole immediately in front of the school. Staff will be on hand to supervise the students.

Students joining us for the day should attend in their current Primary school PE Kit.
In the interest of safeguarding, parents are not permitted to escort children into the school building. Please escort your child to the school gate or flagpole where staff will be present to direct students.

Induction Evening Arrangements
Parents/Carers will soon be sent an invitation to attend a presentation in the school hall with their child, at one of three time slots: 5.00pm, 5.25pm and 5.50pm. Please endeavour to attend at your allotted time due to space constrains in our main hall. The evening is expected to finish by 7.00pm

• Year 6 into Year 7 - Induction Day - Wednesday 26th June - Student Information

• Joining Year 7 - Student Guide 2024

• Year 6 into Year 7 - Parents' Information Booklet 2024

• CCHS Parent Information and Support - Click link

CCHS Free School Meals - Online Application; CCHS Arbor Portal - How to Guide; ArborPay - Cashless Catering - How to Guide; Instrumental Lessons at CCHS from Essex Music Services; Teaching & Learning @ CCHS; CCHS Policy Information; CCHS Young Carers Statement

NB. If your child received 'Free School Meals' at Primary School you must re-apply uisng our Online Application
(This is different to the Essex County Council FSM application, as we use an alternative provider)

School Uniform

Sizing in School

Anglia Sports and Schoolwear are offering the opportunity to size up and/or purchase uniforms at Clacton County High School on Tuesday, 30th July between 11.00am – 2.00pm.
ENTER VIA THE MAIN SCHOOL DRIVE and follow the signs to the gym (entering through doors from the school field).

Please note that the Year 7 tie will have a yellow stripe for the 2024 intake.
PE polo shirts are navy blue - with or without the CCHS logo
(White polo shirts are not part of the CCHS PE kit)

- Click Here for full uniform information.

Year 7 First Day Arrangements

Tuesday 3rd September 2024

The first day at CCHS for our new year 7 students will serve as an additional induction to the school.
Year 7 will be the only year group present in school on this day.

Students should meet on the outside basketball courts at 8.45am promptly; exactly as on the Year 7 Induction Day.
Staff will direct students to where they need to go.
We will take formal photographs on the first day.
Fingerprint scans will also be taken for our cashless payment system - an authorisation form needs to be completed and signed by a parent or carer before we are able to take a fingerprint scan. These will be sent electronically to parents and carers.

Useful Information

CCHS Term Dates 2024-2025

CCHS Uniform Requirements

Our uniform supplier details are:
Anglia Sports and Schoolwear Ltd

Telephone: 01255 474550
Fax: 01255 474570

Frequently Asked Questions

• Why am I in a different form to my friends?

Form time only lasts for 15 minutes each morning. The rest of the day you will learn with different students in many of your lessons. When you join secondary school, it is an ideal time to enlarge your friendship group - you will make new friends very quickly.

• How are the form groups decided?

We have over 340 new Year 7 students to place into form groups. Year 7 is split, roughly in half, into two teaching bands - X-Band and Y-Band.
We have six form groups in X-Band and six form groups in Y-Band.
Students are assigned one of the twelve mixed ability form groups.

• How do I pay for a school dinner or school trip?

The school is cashless. From September, all students have a ArborPay account where money for meals, drinks and school trips or events can be added by parents/carers.
Your fingerprint is recorded and this is scanned at the tills in the Clouds Refrectory to pay for any meals or refreshments.

• What are the rules on mobile phone?

You are welcome to come to and from school with your mobile phone. Once you are on the school site mobile phones are to be switched off and out of sight please. This applies throughout the whole day including social times. If they are seen or heard, the school will confiscate the phone for the day and a detention may be issued.

• How will I find my way around school?

You will have a tour of the school on your induction day in June. We’ll also remind you on your the first day in September. It won’t take long to work out where things are.
As a rule single-digit room numbers are on the ground floor and double-digit numbers are on the first floor; A-Block is different with all the rooms on the ground floor.
The 'Joining Year 7 Student Guide' includes a map of the school, including room numbers.