Student Support

Student Support @ CCHS

As a school we take the support of our students very seriously both academically and pastorally.
• Form tutors are accessible for students to discuss any problems or difficulties they may be experiencing.
• Subject teachers are always available outside of lesson time to assist with any difficulties students may be having understanding what they are being taught, problems they are having with completing homework or anything else related to that particular subject. This support sits along side the numerous revision and coursework sessions organised across the subject areas - Extra-Curricular Sessions.

Our Pastoral Support Staff are also on hand throughout the day to help with any problems that students encounter at school - they are based in each of the Year Group Pastoral offices.

In addition to this, we have a designated team of staff to promote the safeguarding and welfare of our students.
The Safeguarding Office, where students can go if they are concerned or worried about anything, is opposite B11. The Safeguarding team have a dedicated Safeguarding Webpage, for students, parents & carers alike, as well as the Tootoot Platform for reporting your concerns.

Report an Incident - Tootoot

Tootoot is a pupil voice and safeguarding app which allows students to report anything from bullying to a mental health concern. The simple-to-use app makes it easier for students to speak-up and gives them confidence that their concerns are being taken seriously.

CCHS students must login to Tootoot to be able to report an incident. Students receive their individual login details via email; sent to their school email, accessed through their Google account. If they forget these, they just need to request a new login by contacting their Pastoral Team. Students can access Tootoot via a web browser or download the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play.

Academic Support

In addition to our teachers, numerous subject specific websites are available for students to assist them with their understanding of the topics they are covering. Follow the links below - some websites require specific login details; these can be obtained from the relevant subject areas.


Support for Students - from External Agencies

Click here to link to a range of support offered by numerous organisations and websites.