Assessment and Reporting
At CCHS we want to create a culture where the evaluation of students’ work and the feedback they receive, regardless of the format, informs students how to improve their work and make progress.
Key Stage 3 Assessment
At Key Stage 3 all of our Schemes of Work follow the format Assess - Teach - Assess.
An element of baseline assessment precedes the teaching element.
When each topic within the Scheme of Work has been completed, students are then assessed to evaluate the progress that they have made on each topic.
Subjects either use:
• The Quantitative Assessment Method, which involves pre and post testing for each topic.
• The Qualitative Assessment Method, which involves pre and post assessment for each topic dependant on each individual's ability level. This is based on a set of skills and has 3 separate pathways.
The top pathway is for lower ability students (pathway A), the middle pathway is followed by the middle ability students (pathway B) and bottom pathway is for high ability students (pathway C). Students are assessed against criteria at a level dependant on their current pathway.
• A mix of both methods
Key Stage 4 and 5 Assessment
At Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 subjects use end of topic tests, exam questions along with subject specific resources and grade boundaries from the exam boards to ensure assessment is accurate and meaningful.
Students receive continuous feedback through marking and dialogue on how to improve.
Reports are published and sent to parents three times a year, this year's reporting schedule is available on our Key Dates Calendar.
GCSE and BTEC Grades and Predicted Grades
When predicted grades are shown on reports, please use this table to assist with your understanding of how your child is progressing.